
Due to a recent nearby wildfire, we currently have no internet service at our lab and office. We apologize for delays as we work through this inconvenience and try to find work arounds to continue to provide our services. There is no estimate yet on when internet will be restored but they are having a crew look into it today.
The best way to reach us is via text: 208-963-5679
We will still be testing but results will be provided over the phone and emailed once internet service is restored.
Thank you for your patience and your business.

Blood Collection Supplies

Includes 30 blood collection tubes, 30 double-sided blood collecting needles, and 1 reusable needle holder.

All blood collection tubes are 3 mL, glass and red topped.  Blood collecting needles are 18G by 1 inch single-type.  These tubes can be used for all tests offered.


Includes 50 blood collection tubes, 50 double-sided blood collecting needles, and 2 reusable needle holder.

All blood collection tubes are 3 mL, glass and red topped.  Blood collecting needles are 18G by 1 inch single-type.  These tubes can be used for all tests offered.


Includes 10 blood collection tubes, 10 double sided blood collecting needles, and 1 reusable needle holder.

All blood collection tubes are 3 mL, glass and red topped.  Blood collecting needles are 18G by 1 inch single-type.  These tubes can be used for all tests offered.


Includes 100 blood collection tubes, 100 double-sided blood collecting needles, and 2 reusable needle holder.

All blood collection tubes are 3 mL, glass and red topped.  Blood collecting needles are 18G by 1 inch single-type.  These tubes can be used for all tests offered.


100 Single-type blood collecting needles - For Veterinary use only

18G by 1 inch needles used for animal blood collection. Single-type needles do not have a rubber stopper and allow blood to flow freely as soon as the vein has been punctured.  These needles help the technician identify proper placement before inserting into the blood collection tube.

Sterile - Single-use - Non-toxic - Non-Pyrogenic


100 Multi-type blood collecting needles - For Veterinary use only

18G by 1 inch needles used for animal blood collection.  Multi-type needles have a rubber stopper so blood is not released until a blood collection tube is inserted.  Multi-type needles makes bleeding your animal a cleaner task, and work best for experienced technicians.

Sterile - Single-use - Non-toxic - Non-Pyrogenic


100 Blood Collecting Tubes - For Veterinary use only

3 mL, red topped, glass, blood collecting tubes.   These tubes are frequently used for diagnostic testing that requires a serum sample.  They can be used for sample collection for all the tests we offer.

No additives.



1 Reusable Needle Holder

Required for blood collection using the blood collecting needles we sell.






1 Insulated Thermal Mailer

Keep samples and ice packs cool during shipment with this insulated pouch.

8" x 11" inside dimension.  Tear-resistant.  Water-resistant. 

TIP - Freeze thermal mailers prior to use to keep items cooler longer.


1 Ice Pack (approximately 8 oz)

Keep samples cool during shipment with recycled ice pack

For specimen shipping only. 



Prepay for your testing online. Please write your order number on the submission form before shipping samples.


Accurately detects pregnancy in cows bred at least 28 days and virgin heifers bred at least 25 days.  

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of Johne's (aka mycobacterium paratuberculosis or MAP) in cattle.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Q Fever testing for Cattle.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Bundle your screening and save $0.50 per animal tested.  One tube of 2 mL blood or 1 mL serum good for all tests.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.



Purchase this if you want inhibition values for CAE testing.  Purchase just one per submission (not per animal).


Accurately detects pregnancy in does at 30 days post breeding.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of CL in goats.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of CAE in goats. 

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of Johne's (aka mycobacterium paratuberculosis or MAP) in goats. 

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of Q Fever in goats. 

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of CAE, CL, Johne's, and Q Fever in goats.  Save $2.00 when you run all three.  One 2 mL blood sample or 1 mL serum sample good for all tests.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.



Purchase this if you want inhibition values for OPP testing.  Purchase just one per submission (not per animal).


Accurately detects pregnancy in ewes at 30 days post breeding.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) in sheep.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of Johne's (aka mycobacterium paratuberculosis or MAP) in sheep.

Must ship sample(s) to the lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) in sheep. 

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of Q Fever in sheep.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.


Detection of CL, OPP, Johne's and Q Fever in sheep.  Save $2.00 when you run all three.  One tube of 2 mL blood or 1 mL serum enough for all tests.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.



Accurately detects pregnancy in females 40 days post breeding.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.



Accurately detects pregnancy in females 40 days post breeding.

Must ship sample(s) to lab to redeem purchase.
