
To ensure testing for your animals is completed before Christmas break, please have your samples arrive to the lab no later than 5pm on Monday the 16th.
Have a Merry Christmas!

Blood Pregnancy Test
BioPRYN Bison Pregnancy Submission Form

This test offers a safe, accurate, and easy alternative for confirming pregnancy in bison, buffalo, and yak. BioPRYN measures the presence of Pregnancy-Specific Protein B (PSPB), a protein only produced by the placenta of a growing fetus, in the blood circulation of the cow.

BioPRYN is a valuable technology for the reproductive management of bison herds. In addition to being safe, accurate and easy to use, BioPRYN is supported by industry experts educated in integrating the test to improve reproduction programs.

Tests are run every Tuesday with results reporting Wednesday. Please download the submission form and return it to us if you are interested in fast, accurate pregnancy confirmation in your bison. Price is only $5.00 per animal and is required before samples are run.