Blood Collection Kit -30

Due to a recent nearby wildfire, we currently have no internet service at our lab and office. We apologize for delays as we work through this inconvenience and try to find work arounds to continue to provide our services. There is no estimate yet on when internet will be restored but they are having a crew look into it today.
The best way to reach us is via text: 208-963-5679
We will still be testing but results will be provided over the phone and emailed once internet service is restored.
Thank you for your patience and your business.

Includes 30 blood collection tubes, 30 double-sided blood collecting needles, and 1 reusable needle holder.

All blood collection tubes are 3 mL, glass and red topped.  Blood collecting needles are 18G by 1 inch single-type.  These tubes can be used for all tests offered.

Price: $30.00