Goat CL Testing

Due to a recent nearby wildfire, we currently have no internet service at our lab and office. We apologize for delays as we work through this inconvenience and try to find work arounds to continue to provide our services. There is no estimate yet on when internet will be restored but they are having a crew look into it today.
The best way to reach us is via text: 208-963-5679
We will still be testing but results will be provided over the phone and emailed once internet service is restored.
Thank you for your patience and your business.

Goat Submission Form

Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL) is a bacterial disease of goats caused by Corynebacterium psuedotuberculosis. C. psuedotuberculosis can survive in the environment for several months and is highly infectious. Current treatments of diseased animals is limited. Monitoring of disease status is compounded by the fact that animals may be infected without showing obvious clinical symptoms. At Sage Laboratories we use a direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects antibodies in serum of goats with CL. When serum from infected animals are screened with this ELISA, antibodies are quantified. Detection of diseased animals through serodiagnosis has proven effective in eradicating CL in infected herds.

Blood samples should be collect in red or tiger (grey and red) topped blood collection tubes. Check out our store if you need the proper collection supplies. Samples should be shipped as soon as possible after collection. Please ship with ice packs and quickly enough that samples arrive still chilled.

Submitting samples for CL testing is easy. Just mail or drop-off 2 mL of blood or 1 mL of serum to us along with your submission form and payment. The CL test is ran every Wednesday with results reporting Thursday. Please download the submission form if you are interested in fast, accurate CL's testing. The price is just $7.00 per sample